Oils of Encouragement

Join Us for Your Stress Away Solution

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  • Are you tired of feeling stressed?
  • Does your body feel like it's under constant attack?
  • Do you need simple, daily habits for calming your nervous system?
  • Do you remember a time in the past when you took care of yourself and you want to go back to that place?
  • Do you want to know the basics of using essential oils for your physical and mental health?

We have a solution!

Join us during the months of May and June as we learn the simplest ways we can bring peace into our bodies, minds and homes! These months can be full of events, end of school, travel, and commitments, and we want to come alongside you helping you to breathe, use powerful tools, and find a way of living that takes stress out of the driver's seat.

Here's exactly what to expect:

  • A Facebook community full of encouraging, real people who struggle with anxiety and stress and need simple solutions for their physical and mental health.
  • Daily education around taking a few seconds of your day for the most enjoyable oil practices that will change your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Accountability buddies for beginning the simple habit of walking daily.
  • Live videos with real stories of people who have found mental and physical healing through small, consistent changes in their lives.
  • A daily educational post that just might blow your mind as we learn about our health and the oils we use daily.

This will be simple, charged with encouragement, and you will find yourself exhaling in relief as we break it all down and cheer you on while you do it!

Accountability is absolutely key to success because it's way too easy to stop doing something if there's no one to care if you do it! We care, and we'll see you through to the end. If you join us for BOTH months, you will have true habits that could transform your future and your mental health!


What will we do? Three simple steps each day: 1. Take some deep breaths 2. Drop or diffuse your oils 3. Walk for at least 15 minutes

Why Young Living essential oils? Because much of the aromatherapy out there is nothing more than high priced fragrance, not truly working with your body to provide the emotional support you need. True oils, grown and distilled for their benefits and not their consistent fragrance, work through our limbic system to release us from fight or flight, begin to break down patterns of anxiety and panic in our brain, and remind our body that it is safe and we are caring for it.

If you want a space that nurtures the physical and mental health of each person who enters it, join us and experience a CALM like you've never felt before!


If you're ready to join us, hop over to the Stress Away Solution Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/stressaway24 Code to get in: Stress24

Invite your friends. Invite your family. Invite all the overwhelmed people you know who want this to be the year that stress takes a backseat and we live life to the fullest. Everything is more fun when we do it together!

If you're not yet a Customer with Young Living, just click the Shop Now button above to grab the most perfect bundle of stress-relieving simplicity you have ever experienced! We will teach you to use every bottle, and it will be one of the best purchases you have ever made! Make sure you use the code SHAREYL for a discount. Purchase by the end of April and you can buy your bundle for 20% off!!